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Wholesome Family Recreation

What does "wholesome family recreation" mean to you? I want you to think about that for a minute...

Here is a list of things it means to me:

  • games
  • sports
  • movies
  • talking with each other
  • going for a walk
  • going on vacation
  • playing with toys (with our daughter)
  • going swimming
  • just spending time with family

Growing up we never hung out with friends on Sundays or went shopping. We always tried to watch church movies, we all took a nap, we sometimes would visit with family, and would play games. I feel that the term, "wholesome family recreation" basically means to do something fun as a family. The most important part of that is the time you spend TOGETHER. My husband is gone about 12 hours a day/ 6 days a week. We do not get to spend much time with him, so when we do, we try to make the best of it! One of my favorite Sunday activities to do is to go for a walk around the neighborhood. The weather is cooling down nicely and it is a waste of time being inside when we love being outside! 

Not only is wholesome family recreation something we should be doing on our own, we have been counseled to do activities with our families. 
Jennifer Grace Jones gave a wonderful talk about successful marriages and families. It's called, "Nine Principles for a Successful Marriage and Family". The link to the talk can be found here. One of the nine principles is below,

This means we can do anything that is virtuous, will lift and grow our spirits, and will be fun for all. I am grateful for this talk because not only did she touch base on wholesome activities that we can do as a family, but also many other wonderful things that will set us up for an amazing marriage and family life. 

I tried to find pictures of my childhood on my phone to post here... but my mom was not much of a picture taker. So I am trying to be better with my family. Obviously times and technology have changed but here is a picture of my family on a walk in Utah at Bridal Veil Falls.

Kadence loves being outside and I am so grateful for that because I could push her in the stroller for hours as long as she has some snacks to go along with her! 

What are some things you and your family did on Sundays? Or good ideas of some wholesome family recreational activities that you and your family love to do? Leave a comment below! 


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