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Being Equal Partners

Yes, the man is to work and provide for their families. Yes the wife is to be at home with the children to teach, guide, nurture, and love their children. (That is what we are commanded to do. If different circumstances require, roles can be switched) HOWEVER my firm belief is that husband and wife are to equally discipline, equally cook, equally clean, equally teach their children in love and righteousness, and equally be there for one another and the children. This might not happen all of the time, because my husband works and is in school so he is gone a majority of the time. But when he is home he does the same things I would do from the list above. 

Obviously, if my husband is at work all day he is not able to cook for us. Duh. But on the weekends he tries his best to help out however he can. Both jobs are equally hard and draining. Yes, I stay home and babysit some children from our ward but by the end of the day I am so flipping tired I can barely do anything. That is life, I try my best to do the best that I can, and that is all we are asked to do! When Chance gets home, he is my relief! HAHA Thanks Chance!

I love this quote taken DIRECTLY from "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" 

*You can read the entire document here. :) It is a wonderful document and a great reminder of our roles on this earth. 

Like I said above, things might need to be changed up. Or the wife might want to work as well. Whatever floats your boat! I absolutely love the fact that I have someone who is able to help me out and be there for me when I need it. I also am grateful that I even have someone to do those things. I know there are those who's spouses have passed on or children that were born outside the bonds of marriage. I pray for those single parents because I can only imagine how difficult it must be to do everything on your own. I am grateful for this gospel and the things it teaches. 


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