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Faith in Our Family Life

Hi there! I am so excited to share with you about this topic: Having Faith in our Family Life. Life is not always peachy and does not always go as planned. We are thrown curve balls and we must take our best swing at them. I want to share a story that really hit home to me.

We moved into our home at the end of April 2017. Owning a home can be expensive but it is an investment that we feel is worth it. Anyways, in June we had a nail in our tire that was unable to be repaired and so we had to get a new tire. There goes $250. A few weeks later a huge, horrible, scary storm swept through our neighborhood damaging our roof tiles.... there went another $250.

July comes, just 31 days after our first tire incident. We were headed to our family campout and were driving on the freeway. We heard a loud pop and thought that a rock had hit the tire well. Then a few seconds later our tire pressure gauge came on and within one minute our tire was completely flat. We had to wait for a tow truck, go to the dealership and get a new tire (no other places carry the tire we needed on hand, they have to special order them and we didn't have time for that.) We were later than expected to the campout but we made it safely.

***We waited for the tow truck for about an hour, our friend came and got Kadence and I so we could go to my moms house and my husband waited at the dealership for what seemed like an eternity so we could get a new tire. 

Then, a day before we were supposed to leave for Utah to spend time with our family and watch General Conference, I had the strongest impression that we needed to change the other two tires that hadn't been touched. I didn't mention it to anyone because we had already spent so much money that we could have used elsewhere and I did not want that financial burden. Well, the night before we left, my dad called and we talked about random things and at the end he said "I know you're going out of town tomorrow and I just have a feeling that maybe you should change those other two tires." I just said "Ok, ya I will talk to Chance about it." At that moment I KNEW I had to mention it to Chance and that we had to get the other two tires replaced. We made the call and got the new tires bright and early that morning. There went another $500... YAY!

Long story short, we headed out of town and about two hours into our 7 hour drive a semi truck threw a huge rock at our windshield. Now we had to get a new windshield... stay with me, it gets better... about an hour after that, Chance pulled into a gas station very suddenly in the middle of nowhere. The tire pressure gauge was on. Our front left tire pressure was very low. Longer story short, we had no clue what was wrong because this was a new tire and there weren't any nails in the tire! We had to fill up the tire with air about every hour. We decided once we made it to Vegas we would stop somewhere and get the tire checked.

**Here we are at PepBoys in Vegas. They checked the tire and said everything was fine. By this time it was about 8PM and we still had to make it to St. George. We proceeded but still had to fill the tire up every hour. The next day we finished our drive to Provo - while still filling the tire up with air every hour. It made our drive very stressful and way longer than it should have been. I cannot tell you how many times I cried because I was nervous we were going to end up on the side of the road stranded. But I also cannot tell you how many times I prayed and felt everything was going to be okay.

We made it to Provo Friday morning. We immediately took the car to the Ford dealership near our hotel and they took a two second look at it and said the valve stem was cracked. So with the tire moving, it would shake the valve stem and we were slowly losing air pressure. $40 later, we were totally good to go. I was so frustrated with all of this but the blessings out weighed the frustration.
1. We have 4 brand new tires.
2. When the tire blew on the freeway, we did not flip. Usually when rear tires blow, it causes the car to spin or flip.
3. No one was hurt.
4. I have no clue why I had such a strong prompting to change the other two tires when all we had were trouble the entire 10 hour drive to Utah. I told my husband it could have been worse, but at least we were safe and now have new tires.

I have no clue why this experience happened because with all of the money we have spent on tires and our roof, that set us back a lot. I know we have been blessed in other ways, and we continue to pay our tithing, that is why I know our bills will always be paid. I am grateful that we made it safely to the places we were going and that nothing worse happened to us. It can be extremely difficult to have faith when things seem to be falling apart. I have experienced this especially in the last year. There have been many other instances where I could not handle things any longer, and by my faith of holding on with every last ounce that I had, I made it through. Finally, I know that faith out shadows fear every time. We cannot live in fear because nothing good will come of that. I try to have faith in everything that I do, and I know I am blessed for it. If you are struggling to have faith during the hard times, pray for help. Heavenly Father will help you. 💙


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